(too old to reply)
Chickity China The Chinese Chicken
2009-03-13 01:43:58 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
for you
Reminds me of that Pat Metheny song entitled "It's For You". Ever heard it?
Simply magical.
The Patrick Michael Sullivan UCM Repost Project
2009-03-21 01:50:25 UTC
Patrick Michael Sullivan socking up as
Post by Chickity China The Chinese Chicken
x-no-archive: yes
for you
Reminds me of that Pat Metheny song entitled "It's For You". Ever heard it?
Simply magical.
The Paddlestop UCM (you see 'em) Project is creating a single point and click
posting history for the net abuse of the monstrous court-convicted
nym-shifting cyber stalker, Patrick Michael Sullivan of Nanaimo, Canada,
winner of AUK's Bobo Award and Tinfoil Sombrero.




*** Note [1]: Patrick Michael Sullivan has abused anonymous remailers to
disrupt groups, and to harass, stalk and libel his critics. ***

*** Note [2]: In January 2009 Patrick Michael Sullivan trolled Douglas Wiser after
praising him and other kooks in court - from 2008 BCSC 827 Reasons For Judgment:
"[81] Some persons in the group, including the defendant [Patrick Michael
Sullivan aka "Eminence Front"], became supporters of Douglas Wiser ..." ***

*** Note [3]: Patrick Michael Sullivan's agent and accessory, William James
Jillians aka Bill Jillians of Newcastle-on Tyne UK, continues the smear
campaign on behalf, and for the benefit of, Patrick Michael Sullivan.


Has Patrick Michael Sullivan (Nanaimo, British Columbia) obeyed the Court's
orders yet and removed all of his defamation from the internet?

Has he paid any of the $179,000+ in damages plus any legal costs?

Why is this kook still posting his drivel on the internet?

Why is he getting Bill Jillians to do his dirty work for him?

Tell it to the judge, Patrick Michael Sullivan.