LOOKING FOR INFO - COMCAST VS DSL-DOWNLOADING-what is better/worse/the same, etc.
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Harry Bournazian
2006-01-19 22:31:08 UTC
Hello everyone:)

Anybody know if the new version of Version DSL is comparable to Comcast for
downloading music and video. Thinking about changing because Version is
about $50 cheaper a month.

E-mail me directly with your thoughts. Thanks to everyone who responds.

Harry Bournazian
2006-01-19 22:30:43 UTC
Post by Harry Bournazian
Hello everyone:)
Anybody know if the new version of Version DSL is comparable to Comcast for
downloading music and video. Thinking about changing because Version is
about $50 cheaper a month.
E-mail me directly with your thoughts. Thanks to everyone who responds.
Harry Bournazian
when i tried DSL i noticed the datastream would lag every now and then.Just
kind of hang..........................then continue. I dumped it as soon as
cable became available. Verizon also dumped a bogus derogetory remark on my
credit report even after i returned their modem over a year after i
cancelled the "free" trial. Run from Verizon for your life.
Kilgore Trout
2006-01-19 23:58:32 UTC
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:31:08 -0500, "Harry Bournazian"
Post by Harry Bournazian
Hello everyone:)
Anybody know if the new version of Version DSL is comparable to Comcast for
downloading music and video. Thinking about changing because Version is
about $50 cheaper a month.
E-mail me directly with your thoughts. Thanks to everyone who responds.
Harry Bournazian
We had some problems with Verizon where after a server upgrade my
son's traceroute to a local gaming server about 5 miles from where we
live (near Seattle) showed his traffic was getting routed through San
Jose. So his pings, which had been in the 15-20ms range were now well
over 150 which made competitive online gaming nearly impossible.

It all depends on how important the bandwidth is to you. With our
distance from the CO we were limited to 1.5 Mbps on Verizon (which was
more like 1.3) and with Comcast we get 6.0 Mbps. The difference in
pricing for us was 29.95 vs 45.95, and that extra 4.5 Mbps is worth it
to me.
2006-01-20 08:15:54 UTC
Post by Kilgore Trout
It all depends on how important the bandwidth is to you. With our
distance from the CO we were limited to 1.5 Mbps on Verizon (which was
more like 1.3) and with Comcast we get 6.0 Mbps. The difference in
pricing for us was 29.95 vs 45.95, and that extra 4.5 Mbps is worth it
to me.
Good point, you also have to factor in things like the odds of price
increases rather than just what you'll be paying now, download limits,
reliability, how good their support is, there are a bunch of things to throw
onto the scales.
